Street Traffic Studies, Ltd., has completed traffic studies for nearly every type of development project including:
* Retail, Office, and residential developments
* Recreational areas
* Medical facilities
* Educational institutions
* Community facilities
* Transportation facilities
Street Traffic Studies Ltd. provides the transportation planning and traffic engineering input required for the preparation and evaluation of land use proposals. These services include analyses for initial feasibility studies, property rezoning, subdivisions, and special exception and variance requests. The studies required to evaluate land use alternatives typically include intersection capacity studies, highway link analyses, access design, and internal circulation review and design.
A developer will best utilize Street Traffic Studies Ltd.'s knowledge and experience by involving the company in the early stages of the development process. We understand the policies, positions, and procedures involved in public agency review of zoning petitions, adequate public facility statements, and other traffic-related submissions.
We can advise the developer on local policies and procedures and provide him with concise information on current and projected traffic activity - all of which contribute to successful agency review.
In providing expert testimony to public agencies since 1965, the firm's principals have earned a reputation for presenting reliable, useful, and trustworthy study results. Street Traffic Studies, Ltd. can guide the developer in the initial stages of planning so that the concerns of planning and zoning commissions, hearing examiners, boards of appeal, and other public bodies, are addressed.
Street Traffic Studies, Ltd., has also worked successfully with citizen groups in Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and other parts of the country. We can respond to the difficult questions posed by community residents concerned with congestion, hazardous intersections, school crossings, and convenient, adequate parking.
Depending on the requirements of zoning ordinances for site plan review, these studies can become part of the preparation for the zoning hearing or can be undertaken immediately thereafter in conjunction with the work of the architects, designers, and site engineers.
For larger areas, such as central business districts, access and circulation studies may deal with entire systems of streets, pedestrian networks, and transit lines. In each case, Street Traffic Studies, Ltd.'s recommendation are designed for the safe efficient functioning of all transportation elements.
Well-designed parking areas make optimal use of precious land, reduce congestion, and minimize vehicular / pedestrian conflicts. Multiple use of the same parking spaces to serve different purposes, for example, can lead to a reduction in overall parking requirements. Street Traffic Studies Ltd. works closely with architects and designers to arrive at functional, visually attractive solutions to vehicle storage problems.
Street Traffic Studies Ltd. analyzes all aspects of traffic planning including:
* Street network patterns
* Access routes to the site
* Points of site access
* Internal circulation
* Parking lot design
* Garage circulation and function
* Retail, Office, and residential developments
* Recreational areas
* Medical facilities
* Educational institutions
* Community facilities
* Transportation facilities
Street Traffic Studies Ltd. provides the transportation planning and traffic engineering input required for the preparation and evaluation of land use proposals. These services include analyses for initial feasibility studies, property rezoning, subdivisions, and special exception and variance requests. The studies required to evaluate land use alternatives typically include intersection capacity studies, highway link analyses, access design, and internal circulation review and design.
A developer will best utilize Street Traffic Studies Ltd.'s knowledge and experience by involving the company in the early stages of the development process. We understand the policies, positions, and procedures involved in public agency review of zoning petitions, adequate public facility statements, and other traffic-related submissions.
We can advise the developer on local policies and procedures and provide him with concise information on current and projected traffic activity - all of which contribute to successful agency review.
In providing expert testimony to public agencies since 1965, the firm's principals have earned a reputation for presenting reliable, useful, and trustworthy study results. Street Traffic Studies, Ltd. can guide the developer in the initial stages of planning so that the concerns of planning and zoning commissions, hearing examiners, boards of appeal, and other public bodies, are addressed.
Street Traffic Studies, Ltd., has also worked successfully with citizen groups in Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and other parts of the country. We can respond to the difficult questions posed by community residents concerned with congestion, hazardous intersections, school crossings, and convenient, adequate parking.
Depending on the requirements of zoning ordinances for site plan review, these studies can become part of the preparation for the zoning hearing or can be undertaken immediately thereafter in conjunction with the work of the architects, designers, and site engineers.
For larger areas, such as central business districts, access and circulation studies may deal with entire systems of streets, pedestrian networks, and transit lines. In each case, Street Traffic Studies, Ltd.'s recommendation are designed for the safe efficient functioning of all transportation elements.
Well-designed parking areas make optimal use of precious land, reduce congestion, and minimize vehicular / pedestrian conflicts. Multiple use of the same parking spaces to serve different purposes, for example, can lead to a reduction in overall parking requirements. Street Traffic Studies Ltd. works closely with architects and designers to arrive at functional, visually attractive solutions to vehicle storage problems.
Street Traffic Studies Ltd. analyzes all aspects of traffic planning including:
* Street network patterns
* Access routes to the site
* Points of site access
* Internal circulation
* Parking lot design
* Garage circulation and function